An exciting career cross-road ♥️

Picture of Stef Fox

Stef Fox

Beauty Industry Obsessed
Data nerd ➕ problem solver
HairColorist w/ MBA 🦄
Founder of Matchable & Talent Match

An exciting career cross-road ♥️

Three months ago I found myself at a cross-roads. Big opportunities were presented to me and I had to make some decisions.

I’m not the person who knew that I wanted to be a hairdresser. In fact, I made the decision after I graduated from high school and was 3 weeks into a full ride academic scholarship. Once I knew, I knew. And as I’m sure you can guess, my family was not very happy about the decision I made to drop out of college and start cosmetology school. But- if there is one attribute I will gladly claim it’s determined. Once I make up my mind it takes a lot to stop me… So, at 18 I began my love affair with the beauty industry and Aveda.

Aveda is the place I launched my career in beauty and it became the place I held my first “big girl job”. It became a company I loved because what it stood for connected so deeply to what I stood for: sustainability, lifelong learning, and giving back. I was fortunate to move into roles where I learned a ton and met the most incredible people. Eventually, my journey took me beyond Aveda Corporate and into the world of salon education, consulting, and ultimately salon ownership. My obsession with disruption and problem solving took me into the world of beauty tech with an amazing beauty software partner Phorest, and with my own technology invention Matchable. Holy cow did I learn SO much.

I’ve spent 20 years working in the professional beauty industry obsessing over every disruption, learning how to build and scale salons, networking, and building and selling my own beauty businesses. I’m a passion chaser and problem solver. Someone who moves forward in search of work I love, with people I love, solving problems that help others. This means that I see my career as fluid and this has never failed me. I’ve built four beauty businesses and had three successful sales. I’ve spoken in front of 10’s of thousands of salon leaders and artists and I know I’ve impacted countless salon businesses. I’m incredibly proud of the work I’ve done- but mostly I’m just honored that I get to do it. Now I’m beginning a new path on my journey.

At the beginning of 2022, I was moving swiftly along in the business I founded, Talent Match. We were busy helping salons across North America learn how to recruit and hire more team members. We were the only company in the beauty industry doing this work and we were the only company with the data to support the solutions we brought to the market. As a result, we caught the attention of many brands and were approached with a purchase offer. Simultaneously I was given a dream opportunity to lead the North American Salon team for Aveda- a chance for a continuation of my career long love affair with the brand. I wasn’t looking for this big change in my life but when it all showed up and I decided to flow with the opportunities, it all made perfect sense. I’m someone with a lot of faith and I don’t believe in coincidences. I know God put these paths in front of me for a reason and I’m thrilled to share with the world that I’m on a new part of my journey as the Executive Director of Salons for Aveda.

This feels like an amazing crossroads to be at. An opportunity to learn, lead, and serve. My perfect trifecta. ♥️
